Sunday, February 28, 2010

It occurs to me lately, though this is hardly an original thought,  that we humans are truely gods and goddesses, with enormous powers of creativity and destructiveness. If we could only all realize this, and leave behind the divisive, combative dogmas of organized religion,  would we not become more sane? And if we could also soulfully accept that we are subject to a higher power, namely Mother Nature, we might find peace and purpose, as well as self-control. We might find the way that our children and theirs could inhabit something other than a smoking ruin on this precious, lovely Earth. Just a thought...

1 comment:

  1. Yes we have been given, (for some strange reason), the power to create and destroy. We justify this as our right through personal or organized religion. We forget that we are not superior, but only another thread in the web of life. When we destroy a thread given to us by mother nature, we do disrupt the peace of the earth. We also take away an experience, a moment, or a line of survival from our children and theirs. Maybe more people should have this thought.
