Monday, February 1, 2010

How to walk your way to fitness and peace of mind

I'm a walker, totally addicted, and what's bred in the bone is hard to avoid. But I'm crooked, like most of us, and I had to figure out a way to walk that compensated for my flat feet and uneven hips. So when I walk, I consciously correct my stride so I don't roll on the outer rims of my feet, activating my core, feeling the ground beneath all of my toes, until I feel as straight a a Masai warrior and as tireless and light on my feet as any seems to have thwarted the advance of the arthritis in my toes as well...And when I walk a minimum of eight k per day--and I really fly, you can't just poke along-- by the time I'm home, I'm calm in my mind and heart, floating on a blissful endorphin cloud. I highly recommend it--dirt cheap, non-polluting, meditative, and spiritual!

1 comment:

  1. It occurs to me lately, though this is hardly an original thought, that we humans are truely gods and goddesses, with enormous powers of creativity and destructiveness. If we could replace religious dogma with an abiding sense of that, as well as a soulful acceptance that we are subjects of a higher power, that being Mother Nature, we might find peace and purpose, as well as self-control.
